Monday, February 1, 2010

Bliss List

I have realized lately that I don't really take photos anymore.  I often go for months without even picking up my camera, and that makes me sad.  There are so many beautiful things in life that make me happy and, occasionally, I allow myself to get too busy or preoccupied to notice or remember them.  I'm going to change that.

 This is what I call my 'Bliss List'.  It is a list of all the simple things in this world that turn the mortal moments of my life into pure heaven.  They make me happy.  They make me smile.  They make me sigh.  They bring me bliss.  I am going to document them.  I am going to make a photographic bliss list. I am going to take the time to appreciate and share the things I find beautiful - the simple things that bring me joy.

I will  post them as I go along.  I will share the joy with you.  And I invite you to send me your 'Bliss List'.  I would love to learn about the things that make others happy in this world. Who knows, maybe you'll inspire some blissful photo posts....

 Bliss List 

Snow on pine trees.
The golden light right before twilight.
The first bite of a cold crisp apple.
Forehead kisses.
Any excuse to wear a fancy dress.
Setting into dance position.
Raindrops on your face.
The fresh clean smell of citrus.
Warm squares of sunlight streaming through windows.
Wet sand (it's perfect for sandcastles.)
The click of heels on the sidewalk.
Vanilla - in any form.
Starched white cotton shirts.
Hand-stitched embroidery.
Paper snowflakes.
Vintage clothing shops.
Baby hiccups.
Red lipstick......well, anything red.



  1. This list makes me want to have a bit of a more normal life. :)

  2. Your list could be my list! Can't wait to see the photographic moments! Love you! Aunt Jo

  3. Hey Missy! I LOVE this list, mine is similar! Isn't it so great to pause and remember life's simple things? Hope you are staying bundled up and keeping warm!
