Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Sense(s): Signs and Wonder

"Lai-Lai" & "Jammy"

Airplane flights and time with children are great environments for wonder and reflection.  Some thoughts that have come to mind lately...
Unfeigned forgiveness is not dependent on an apology; upon recognition, restitution or the reaching of an understanding.  It is not a compromise or external bargain, but rather a new internal perspective - a change within the viewpoint of your soul.  It is the liberating of your heart from the circumstances of an unfair world, and the choice of freedom from those bonds is dependent on no one else but you. 
We all face heartbreak and adversity in this life.  The details of our circumstances are simply background - it's the grace, character, and dignity with which we handle them that really matters to the world.

And, a recording of a song I performed in American Sign Language....  I love this song, I feel it to my soul.  

Happy Sabbath!

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