Friday, July 10, 2009

Best Intentions

One day, while we were waiting in the back of the truck for someone in our group to finish a shopping errand, readjusting donation bags, and trying to keep from drying out in the hot sun, we noticed an elderly man struggling to walk down the street with a cane and a very heavy bag. He had no shoes.

We did. Some of the members of our group jumped out and gave him a pair of flip flops. He put them in his bag. Wondering if maybe it was difficult to bend over to put them on, they asked if he would like help so he could wear them. He refused. They repeated their offer. Again he refused. Again they offered.

Then, someone in our group commented on the fact that it had been raining and the streets were flooded. Flip flops are slippery, especially when wet, and for someone who was struggling to walk slippery rubber between their toes probably wasn't going to help. We all agreed, the shopping was finished, and we continued on our way.

Sometimes, even the most well intentioned gifts can be thoughtlessly given. We should have offered him a ride.

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