Friday, June 12, 2009

This Day at the Beach

Hello Everyone! I've decided that I am really bad at this blogging thing and so, in an effort to improve my sharing skills I am going to set the goal of posting a photo a day. Now, I realize this is not a completely realistic and continuously sustainable goal, as things like internet/computer availability, as well as my bad habit of struggling to form good daily habits, and this wonderfully hectic thing we call life must all at some point interfere. But I thought it would be worth it to try, at least for a little while, and see how it goes. :)

And so, here is your first photo (or in this case photos- as occasionally may happen, as I have so many favorites to choose from) of the day. I recently spent a week on Cape Cod with the Preece's, a wonderful family I nanny for, and my lovely roommate Nicole.

This Day at the Beach

Ocean breeze blowing, feet kick and splash,
Ocean waves breaking, on rocks with a crash.
Boys finding seashells, girls sifting sand,
Friends building castles, as high as they can.
I stretch my arms out, far as they'll reach
Oh, my what fun, on this day at the beach.

And here are some fantastic ones captured by my amazing roommate Nicole. Children and sea creatures- pure delight!

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